Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Reverse Rejected Assignments in the Requester User Interface

Well, we are now into our 8th year of Mechanical Turk and there is now a way to reverse rejected assignments through the user interface. Amazon Mturk Blog Post About Reversing Rejections
Often, new requester will make a mistake and unintentionally reject assignments or grading errors cause work to be rejected. This is a very helpful tool to ensure that you can keep your workers happy if you make a mistake. This used to be a major hassle and required extensive contact with Amazon.

Last year @techlist provided a way to reverse rejections without having to contact Amazon. Now it has been added to the user interface.


  1. are new worker accounts being accepted ????

    1. Worker accounts outside of the United States are no longer being accepted. From what I understand, this will not change in the future.

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